Light for Energy Efficiency
This program aims to maximize the biological benefits per unit of electricity to reduce lighting’s negative impact on the environment.
Energy Efficiency
The overarching goal of the Light for Energy Efficiency program is to maximize the effectiveness of lighting while minimizing its negative collateral effects on the people and the environment.
In the News
BC Hydro to Join the Light for Energy Efficiency Partnership
March 2024
The Light for Energy Efficiency Partnership is pleased to welcome its newest partner: BC Hydro, one of the largest energy suppliers in Canada. “BC Hydro is very happy to support the LHRC’s energy partnership and develop LED lighting, advanced controls and new load management measures and strategies to achieve our energy conservation targets and reduce capacity restraints in our grid,” said Dr. Cristian Suvagau, BC Hydro’s Team Lead for Conservation & Energy Management Engineering.

Learn More about Light for Energy Efficiency
Our team is dedicated to exploring light and energy efficiency. Learn more about:
Outdoor Parking Lot Lighting and Perceptions of Safety
Outdoor parking lot lighting should provide adequate visibility for pedestrians and drivers while also conveying a sense of personal safety and security to users at night. Our research shows that taking a comprehensive approach to parking lot lighting design can reduce energy use without comprising safety and security.
Light for Energy Efficiency Partners and Sponsors
Program Director: Jennifer Brons, MS